Third Month

At the beginning of April, I went to the zoo...the animals seemed to be on strike (many cages were just empty)...maybe they were just inside, hibernating, since it was getting colder! :) The cages were not small and the animals, in general, seemed to be in good conditions.
Finally, I saw a kangaroo
The monkey seems to be quite thoughtful
The bear looking down - is it sadness?
Pelican - a bit naughty one - he can fly, but he doesn't escape

Red panda - looked really like a teddy bear

The chimps - these guys know what's life about - resting in really funny (human) positions
Some more party times followed, but the one I still didn't mentioned and which became like a peregrination place, after the dinner, is the korean karaoke bar - you get in, and go to some private little room with your friends and you end up singing, drinking some awful korean drink (with or without sprite) and making faces that you would never think you could be able to do. Obviously, the best pictures are not in the blog! ;)

Wow...people really take it seriously!!!
Geoff (at the right) is quite shy..."no picture, please"!!!
Deep concentration on singing the music
I have been jogging, tramping around the walking around the village where I live and I have found some interesting event - some Trial demonstration made by the NZ junior champion (forgot the name, sorry) and the aim was to fund raise some money to help in recovering Christchurch after the Earth Quake last February.
The beautiful vegetation that I can find all around my place

The soccer pitch where I use to train and play
Trial demo - 1
Trial demo - 2
Trial demo - 3
Trial demo - 4
Trial demo - 5
Trial demo - 6
Trial demo - 7
Trial demo - 8
Trial demo - 9
Trial demo - 10
Trial demo - 11
Trial demo - 12

During the Easter weekend, I went for a walk to the Red Rocks, which is situated in the south coast of Wellington, and where it can be found many seal colonies during the Winter period (mainly from May to October), though I have been there in April and managed to watch a seal...and I was quite close to her...annoying her, until she (I call it she, because their name in portuguese is feminine - foca) decided to leave - I was like a pain in the ass, as you can see by the video (ok, the video was not working - so, I am posting some photos instead).

Taputeranga island, in the Island bay (in the way to Red Rocks)

Beggining of Red Rocks coast

Rock formation - where, usually, the seal colonies stand during the winter time

The sea around the Red Rocks and a beautiful rainbow

Rocks which gave the name to the place (Red ones for the daltonics)

Seal resting
Seal being disturbed by some guy, waking her up, taking pictures and movies of her
The seal just couldn't stand him anymore - so, she left:
"rather to be into extremely cold water then to hear this guy whistling all the time" 
Conclusion:  the mentioned guy didn't know about this billboard before meeting the seal! :P
A kind of Fajã


  1. Já cheguei tarde, não consigo ver o vídeo... atenção que a foca é o meu animal favorito :D

  2. Olha, nao sabia...acho que agora ja deves conseguir ver!!! :) Beijocas!!!

  3. As fotos que tu mostras até metem nojo, só me fazem lembrar os Açores...tudo verde, tudo natural, o mar, os animais (tirando as espécies) é tudo tão bonito que até mete nojo.
    A minha preferida é o "Panda do Benfica", não que eu goste do benfica, sabes bem que não, mas o raio do bichinho é mesmo giro.
    Da próxima vex bebes mas é água da coreia ou então comes uma peça de fruta, que faz-te melhor.

  4. Granda malaicans!!! :D
    Pois...tenho umas fotozinhas bacanas...e ainda nao explorei a ilha do Sul (dizem que e a que tem paisagens mais "awsome" - fui so la a procura de um poste, com a prancha de snowboard...mas nao encontrei nada que me satisfizesse). :D
    Aquele casaco e o casaco da forca aerea ca do sitio...qualquer diz comeco a pilotar avioes, oh o camandro!!! :D gajo aqui fala em peca de fruta e eles oferencem logo um via das duvidas (nunca se sabe se e kiwi macho ou femea), en-booze-ano-me! :P
