Fifth month

Ok...I usually don't speak about the places where I usually spend about 8 hours of my day, from where I often hear the birds singing...and these places are: my bed and my work place (my office and the labs). Regarding my bed, it is comfortable...though I will move soon from Wainuiomata (consequently, to another room and bed); my work place (, on the other hand, is located just in the bottom of the Wainuiomata hill, which  it surrounded of a beautiful natural green colour.

Finally, after 4 months I left Wellington region...I have been travelling in the north island, in between Wellington and Auckland, where I was in some natural geothermal pools in Tokaanu (Tongariro national park), have been to Waikato river (river starting from Taupo lake, where we can find the famous Huka falls and the Aratiatia rapids), walked a bit of the famous Tongariro crossing (some famous walk in the Tongariro National Park, surrounded by Tongariro, Ruahpehu and Ngauruhoe mountains, these 2 last with snow on top), visited Taupo (name of the lake and a town in the middle of the north island), bungee jumped (from about 80m high) nearby Taihape, rafted rapids in the Tongariro river (river ending up in Taupo lake - Tongairo National National Park), visited some areas with some geothermal activity (as the "Craters of the Moon, near Taupo and Wai-O-Tapu, near by Rotorua) and dived in the beautiful Waihi Beach, in the Bay of Plenty.

Alister (or Ali for the friends), the admirable 90 years old man
The private geothermal pool in Ali's place (Tokaanu)
"Craters of the moon" I
"Craters of the moon" II
"Craters of the moon" III
"Craters of the moon" IV
"Craters of the Moon" V
Waikato river - Aratiatia rapids
Trying to sleep... :P
Waikato river - Huka falls
After a whole day exploring the Tongariro area, a deserved bath in Ali's geothermal pool...
...and a great dinner
Ngauruhoe mountain I
Ngauruhoe mountain II
Ngauruhoe mountain III
"Gravity Canyon", Taihape I
"Gravity Canyon", Taihape II
"Gravity Canyon", Taihape III
"Gravity Canyon", Taihape IV
"Gravity Canyon", Taihape - my Bungee Jump I
"Gravity Canyon", Taihape - my bungee jump II
"Gravity Canyon", Taihape - my Bungee Jump III
Rafting in Tongariro river I
Rafting in Tongariro river II

Geothermal wonderland, Wai-O-Tapu I
Geothermal wonderland, Wai-O-Tapu II

Geothermal wonderland, Wai-O-Tapu III

Waihi Beach II
Waihi Beach II

Now, the last new of the month...I finnally bought a car...the description can be found in the trademe auctions website, which is how I got it:

As the previous owner described it: SHE IS A HONEY :D


  1. Oi cara, tudo jóia?
    Desta vez inicio a escrever brasileiro mas passo já para Português de Portugal...que é para os teus amigos não perceberem que vos estou a chamar PANISGAS...5 homens num Jacuzzi...Mas que PANISGAS.
    Espero que a zona Geotérmica daí, cheire melhor que nos Açores. Estive lá este ano e aquilo STINKS.
    Até perdi a fome para comer aquele cozido.

    E já agora pensas que estás a enganar quem?
    Vais para o monte com um livro debaixo do braço...tá bem abelha!!!!!!!!
    Só se for para servir de almofada ou subir as perninhas e activar a circulação.

    O salto e o Rafting isso sim é de homem, principalmente a parte do salto...curtia fazer um desses...e para fechar esta semana o professor Marcelo recomenda:
    "Larga o Pau do Waihi", uma história de um gajo com penacho na cabeça, que usa xaile e saia tipo Kilt e que anda a pastar ovelhas

    Forte abraço meu amigo...já volto

  2. Epa...realmente e um bocado panisgas...mas olha, sao as desvantagens de aqui estar: nao encontramos gajas para se juntarem a nos! :P
    Epa...estas zonas geotermicas cheiram todas a enxofre...oh o camandro! Mas olha que perder a fome para aquele belo cozido (tb la estive) e tao ou mais panisgas do que partilhar um jacuzzi com gajos!!! :P
    O bungee jumping foi brutal...grande adrenalina...nem sei como ganhei coragem para saltar...tens de experimentar...e coisa para ser tao ou ainda mais assustadora que o ski-diving...e mais baratinha! :P Mas olha que no fim-de-semana passado estive no norte (Bay of Islands) e ainda fui ver uns precos para fazer sky diving (lembrei-me de ti!:))...mas era cerca de 250/300 euros (incluindo fotos e filme)...quando encontrar um bom preco, la estarei! :P
