Eighth month

At the beginning of the this month, the Spring has officially (according to calendar) arrived to New Zealand, so, as expected, the weather has been improving, making the outdoor activities more desired.

So, during this month, I have been sailing in Wellington harbour and snowboarding (in the south Island) with my friend Shaleen (from Philipines), who is a nurse in the Hutt Hospital.
Sailing has been very pleasant, as it was a lovely day...on the other hand, snowboarding (in Mt. Cheeseman,  Christchurch - my first time in south island), was not so good, as the weather conditions were not perfect...nevertheless, I still keep getting amazed with the great landscapes, anywhere I go. The way from Christchurch to Mt. Cheseman (the ski resort), for instance: a plain that, in the horizon, is "decorated" with beautiful mountains covered with "white powder"!

Sailing I

Sailing II

Sailing III

Road from Christchurch to Mt. Cheeseman
Me (do I look like a snowboarder? :P)

Waterfalls nearby Arthur's Pass (village close by the snow resort)

Ah, one of the most popular sport events has started during this month of September: the Rugby World Cup 2011. So, one more pretext for party! The environment is SWEET (as Kiwis say)...and it reminds me about the Euro2004 in Portugal...I so miss that times (except the defeat, in the finals, against Greece). All Blacks (performing their famous Haka) did very good matches...smashing all the teams in their way. I am obviously supporting All Blacks, as "Os Lobos" (portuguese rugby team) are not present in this edition of the Rugby World cup! :)

During this month I got back to water polo (after almost 1 year of absence)...the destiny took me to train together with the NZ national champions...I am just not sure whether they play in the junior or in the senior league. Anyway, they are very good...they would probably beat the advanced level from the place where I used to have my trainning in Portugal (in Estadio Universitario). Whataver...the trainning is just once a week and I am joinning them for now, while there are not many players trainning (as the season only starts in 2012). I try not to be too bad comparing to them...but it seems to be an impossible task. I just want to have fun (as I really like this sport) and keep fit! :)

Ah...also went to a brazilian film festival, not to forget my mother tongue! :)


  1. Boas meu amigo, grandes fotos, bonicos quadros…essa é a vida.
    Agora devo confessar, “sailing” deve ser bem fixe, mas devo confessar (novamente, até parece que és padre), não é mesmo a minha praia.
    Sofro de enjoos, não matinais, mas do mar..não aguentava 5 minutos.
    Sinceramente irrita-me um bocado, pois iria ficar fã…o mar, as cores, os sons, o horizonte, o céu, o sossego e silêncio e a falta de pessoas, iria adorar mas a minha condição não permite.
    Á 3 anos atrás no Açores virei-me praticamente do avesso…duas horas quase seguidas a “Gumitar”…mas há pior…IN ALGARVE, que é tão calmo como uma banheira, a andar de Gaivota, tive de vir a nado até á costa que já me estava a ficar…porra que menino.

    É verdade, cuidado com o Snowboard.
    Já leste o livro que te recomendei no post anterior…desta vez a enfermeira é um enfermeiro (que está lá em casa).

    Bom espero que tudo esteja a correr bem, estejas restabelecido das mudanças e dos roubos e das caminhadas sem norte.
    Eu sei que nunca se fala neste assunto mas…e o trabalho, está a correr bem?

    Continua a Mandar Postais e a por a malta ao corrente da aventuras e desventuras por esse continente Africano, ouvi dizer que ai no Bangladesh, as ilhas Salomão ficam mesmo á mão…do Cabo Espichel.
    Amanhã tomamos um café lá em baixo, ou vens outra vez com a desculpa de que fica fora de mão!?

    Forte abraço My Friend

  2. "Sofro de enjoos"? E chamas-me a mim panisgas? No comments! :P

    BAh...o trabalho esta a correr fixe...o pessoal e bacanop, ajuda-me sempre que preciso...mas terei de apresentar uma proposta de investigacao no inicio do proximo ano...e so entao saberei se esta mesmo na correr bem ou nao! :P

    Cafe ai em baixo...ja ai estou...nao me estas a ver? Espreita pela janela...ainda la devo estar a espera quando leres isto! ;)

    Grande abraco, miudo...ja te envio um amail (amanha)! :)
